Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Well, I might as well...

Everyone has a blog, right? Well, not me until now. So...I might as well! Don't expect anything special. I just wanted somewhere to rant, vent, think-out-loud, or share.

So, today's complaint....my divorce! I've been working on trying to get a divorce from my husband for months now. He was certainly not the nicest thing in the world. I went through 8.5 years of emotional abuse, arguing, bills not being paid, etc. All of a sudden last August, he just up and left me and our 4 children. He moved to Indiana with my so-called "best friend" of 7 years. Oh well, good riddance to bad rubbish. Anyway, I was finally able to get a pro bono lawyer to take my case in March. My husband was sent the papers through certified mail, and he signed for them March 24. He had 30 days to respond.

Knowing him as I do, I figure he'd procrastinate as long as he possibly could. I honestly don't know if he did or not, all my lawyer told me today was that he filed a response on the 29th. He didn't say if it was March or April 29th. If it was March 24th, I'd be really surprised. April 29th sounds more like his style. His response was the shortest my lawyer said he'd ever seen. The response was "I deny all allegations." Huh? So you deny we were married on February 23, 2002? You deny that we have four children? Geez, how vague can you get?

I was really hoping for him to just hope it would go away and not respond at all. In that case, we could just file for default and it'd all be over with. But no! He can't make things easy for me! Our plan of action now is to file for a court date. My lawyer said he didn't think it would do any good to try to negotiate, and I agree 100%. This could take months to just get the court date. Lucky me.

Well, not much I can do now, only wait. And wait. And wait some more. He hasn't even talked to the kids in 3 months. Oh, but he's all good, ya know? He sent a whole $50 in child support yesterday. That equals up to $1.39 per child, per month, for the 9 months he's been gone! We're rich!

Ok, enough complaining for now. Off to do some cleaning. Where are those dang cleaning fairies? They need to be fired, because they sure haven't been doing their job!

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