Friday, May 6, 2011

If it's not one thing....'s ten thousand others! Today is determined to make me want to just go back to bed. It started OK, I actually got a decent nights sleep last night. I got my girls in gear to get ready for school. They were already up, which happens only every now and then on school days. They were excited to go to school today. Heaven's class always does science experiments on Fridays. Cadance's class is going on a field trip to the zoo today. The boys woke up in good moods, too.

Then the problems start! First of all, I just wanted to do a few things on the computers this morning. I tear apart every place I store computer cables, and nowhere can I find my Cat5 Crossover ethernet cable. Ugh. Looks like it's the slow, very slow, process of transferring files using my 4gb flash drive. Why are things never where you put them? OK, so I commence starting the transferring of files off my laptop so I can delete some. The loading/unloading of files to/from my flash drive takes a few minutes, so off to another project while that's working.

I decide to go move my girls' bed (bunk bed) across the room so I can get to where my hot water heater is. It seems the hot water heater is leaking, lucky me! I live in a 70s model mobile home, which still has all it's original press wood floors. Water + press wood = disaster. What made me want to look? One of the legs of my girls' bed went straight through the floor yesterday! I attempt to move that huge bed around in their tiny room, and what happens? Yeah, I start hurting, but that's not what I mean. Another of the legs goes through the floor in another spot. Yep, there's definitely a leak somewhere! Time to call in reinforcements! I catch my ever-helpful neighbor online, which saves me from having to call him. He agrees to come help me take their bed apart after lunch.

I feed the boys lunch, which of course they barely touch. Why should they, Mommy has something more interesting to do! Micah gets laid down for his nap, then the fun starts. Chris and I start taking the bed apart. Of course, before I can even start, I have to pick up the fifteen blankets my girls have in their room, which always wind up in the floor. OK, so I'm exaggerating, it's only four, but that's still plenty! Then I have to pick up all their toys and books before we can even get to their bed. You'd never know that I spend an entire day just a week ago cleaning their room. I get all that done and Chris and I get the luxury of battling with stripped out bolts.

After lots of sweat and some worn out hands, we get the bed apart. Yay! Now time to move the frame outside. It has to go outside, I have nowhere to store it in here! So who is there to help me out? Alexander of course! Chris is trying to carry pieces of the bed frame outside and Alex is right up under him. Surprisingly, no one was knocked unconscious, bruised, bleeding, or otherwise injured. The frame is now outside and the mattresses and bunk boards are leaned against the wall in the girls' room. I now get the wonderfully fun task of cleaning where the bed was and moving the mattresses around.

I talked to a friend last night, and they're going to get some plywood so we can repair the floor. My dad agreed to come do it for me. He's coming by this afternoon to take a look at the hot water heater. I'm a little scared to. I don't want to know what's wrong with it, that means money I certainly don't have! Maybe it can be repaired and hopefully by sometime next week, next weekend at the latest, my girls' floor will be fixed as will the hot water heater!

You may now return to your regularly scheduled day! I shall return to cleaning here in a few minutes. I need a break for now! I hurt...

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